Ryusaku 流作

Ryusaku's works 流作 音楽作品
music score (楽譜)

l015 "Kangatt No.3 strings and brass" (score)(楽譜『管合3 小管弦』)
 15th music scores which is scheduled to be on sales on 12.20.,2016.
    Kangatt n29 s&b

l014 "Kangatt No.1 3rd ver." (score)(楽譜『管合1 3版』)
 14th music scores which is on sales on 12.12.,2016.
    Kangatt n1 3rd ver.

l013 "Kangatt No.2 3rd ver." (score)(楽譜『管合2 3版』)
 13th music scores which is on sales on 12.5.,2016.
    Kangatt n14 3rd ver.

l012 "Hakadoran" (music score)(楽譜『ハカドラン』)
  12th music scores which is on sales on 8.19,2016.

l011 'Kangatt n32 for Clavier' (Clavier score)(Clavier譜「管合32番)
 11th music score which is on sales on 8.7,2016.

l010 "Kangatt No.3" (reed solo scores with unique style writing)(管楽譜『管合3』(主旋のみ、独自形式))
  10th music scores which is on sales on 5.17,2016.

l009 "Kangatt No.3" (chord scores)(略譜『管合3』(コード譜))
  9th music scores "Kangatt No.3" which is on sales on 4.11, 2016.
    Kangatt n29 (管合29番)

l008 "Kangatt No.2" (chord scores)(略譜『管合2』(コード譜))
  8th music scores "Kangatt No.2" which is on sales on 9.10, 2015.
    *Kangatt n14 (管合14番)

l007 "Kangatt No.1" (chord scores)(略譜『管合1』(コード譜))
  7th music scores "Kangatt No.1" which is on sales om 9.7, 2015.
    *Kangatt n2 (管合2番)

l006 "Kangatte No.2" (reed solo scores with unique style writing)(管楽譜『管合2』(主旋のみ、独自形式))
  6th music scores "Kangatt No.2" which is on sales om 8.25, 2015.

l005 'Kangatt n3' (a score for clavier)(ピアノ譜「管合3番」)
  5th music score 'Kangatt n3' which is on sales om 7.28, 2015.
    *Kangatt n3(管合3番)

l004 "Kangaku No.3" (reed solo scores with unique style writing)(管楽譜『管楽3』(主旋のみ、独自形式))
  4th music scores "Kangaku No.3" which is on sales om 7.22, 2015.

l003 "Kangatt No.1" (reed solo scores with unique style writing)(管楽譜『管合1』(主旋のみ、独自形式))
  3rd music scores "Kangatt No.1" which is on sales om 7.12, 2015.

l002 "Kangaku No.2" (reed solo scores with unique style writing)(管楽譜『管楽2』(主旋のみ、独自形式))
  2nd music scores "Kangaku No.2" which is on sales om Apr., 2015.

l001 "Kangaku No.1" (reed solo scores with unique style writing)管楽譜『管楽1』(主旋のみ、独自形式)
  1st music scores "Kangaku No.1" which is on sales om Apr., 2015.


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